
Skies of Fire: #1-5

Created by Ray Chou

The crew of the Zephyr embarks into the Expanse in the fifth installment of the dieselpunk airship adventure and Kickstarter original.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Done! - Campaign Close, Glow, and Next Issue!
almost 5 years ago – Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 01:45:10 AM

Hey Folks!

This is something that makes me very happy: 

That's right! We are 100% done with fulfillment! Woohoo!  The last orders for both Europe and North American went out this week, with about 15-20 or so stragglers in each group. Please, if you haven't received your package yet, give it another week or so and if you still haven't gotten it yet give us a ring. We'll make sure to take care of it. 

Glow #3 

Finishing this Kickstarter means we can get going on the next! Vince and I are happy to announce that our next campaign for Glow #3 will launch next Wednesday, June 19th, 2019!

You could say this next issue is illuminating.
You could say this next issue is illuminating.

Here's a link to the preview of the Kickstarter. And yes, we know there are no rewards and videos yet. We're working on it! :) So please, mark your calendars, set your alarms, bookmark it on Kickstarter! 

Your support helps us keep going to make more great comics.  That is beyond awesome.  So thank you. 

Skies of Fire #6 

We're also trying to squeeze in Skies of Fire #6 before the end of summer. Basically, as soon as we finish fulfilling Glow #3 we'll turn our attention to the next issue of Skies.  Fingers crossed. We think we can do it. And since you all have presumably finished reading Skies #5 by now, I can finally share this beauty: 

It's going to be a doozy! We're at the point in the story where it's almost all downhill from here...

San Diego Comic-Con 2019

We're headed back to the granddaddy of them all! Ray will be at San Diego Comic-Con at booth Q-3 in Small Press. That's against the back wall and the same spot we had back in 2016!

July 18-21 in San Diego!
July 18-21 in San Diego!

We'll probably send another reminder closer to the con, but if you're planning on attending please stop on by and say hello! 


And with that, this campaign is basically coming to a close! We hope you enjoyed the latest issue of Skies of Fire. Please join us as we continue journeying on in the world of Glow! It's been a wild ride thus far... let's keep it going! 

- Ray and Vince

European // Shipping Update
almost 5 years ago – Tue, May 21, 2019 at 02:48:43 AM

Hey Folks,

Just got word that Vince has started European shipping! All told we have about 200 packages left to ship which we'll try to wrap up this week and next. We are waiting on the final print of our Variant covers which were ordered early last week. We're expecting to receive them this Wednesday at which point I'll send them over to the UK along with some other bits and ends of merchandise that we need.

Speaking of the Variant, here's the final:

Once we're done with shipping we'll be shifting gears to our other project, Glow. We're aiming to launch the campaign for the next issue (#3) in mid to late June. 

Thanks everyone for your patience!  Let us know if you have any comments or questions. 


- Ray and Vince

Digital Files - Comics, Prints, Glow, etc.
almost 5 years ago – Sat, May 11, 2019 at 02:07:09 AM

Hey Everyone,

I just set up the digital distribution profiles on BackerKit for the following items: Skies of Fire Digital Collection, Glow Digital Files, Digital Posters, & Digital Prints. 

I also sent out email notifications via BackerKit informing those who received / purchased those rewards that their downloads are ready. 

Please make sure to keep the digital download link if it's sent to you. You can always reaccess your files via that link. 

If need be, I'll post the Digital Collection link directly as an update sometime in the future, but please let me know only if you still don't have access to your digital files.

Thank you!

Ray and Vince

Shipping Underway!
almost 5 years ago – Fri, May 10, 2019 at 12:24:30 AM

Hey Everyone,

Thank you for being so fastidious with your surveys! We only have 100 left before everyone's responded. I don't think we've ever run a campaign where we've reached 100/100% survey (and by proxy - reward) fulfillment, but we have a chance in this one! 

NA Shipping Underway!

I'm happy to report that NA began shipping this week! So far we've almost completely finished the early tiers! And we're over halfway through:

So far we've finished most of the early tiers with Issue #5 and Recruit Bundles mostly done. We've moved into unique orders which we'l hopefully wrap up sometime next week. 

But we're off to a good start! Many of you can expect your packages beginning next week!

- Ray and Vince

Surveys Out! Digital Downloads, Add-Ons, Etc.
almost 5 years ago – Sat, May 04, 2019 at 02:58:14 AM

Hey Everyone!

BackerKit surveys are being sent out today! They'll be trickling in throughout the course of the day. Here's a direct link to our project if you rather sign in / fill out the survey that way: 

Digital Downloads

This time around we're using BackerKit to distribute our digital downloads. For those of you who purchased a digital compilation, you'll see a link and a password as one of the survey questions. If you lose this link don't worry; just PM me and I'll be happy to send it to you again. The link is almost always active, so if at any time you would like to download or share the files, please feel free to access the Skies of Fire collection at any time.

For backers of just the digital #5 or the physical #5, you should receive a download link directly from BackerKit to receive the files. Please let me know if this does not work. If you're an old fan and backer, please see the above paragraph. We never change our download links so you can probably access your files from an old Kickstarter update as well! 


We've baked in some add-ons into the BackerKit survey. Please let me know if you don't see anything on there that you thought would be there. 

Of note specifically is our digital posters and art prints - these are for backers who have access to a nice printer or print shop and don't want to pay shipping. We're sorry about the price of the posters but there's really nothing we can do as cardboard tubes are a big pain in the butt to ship and cost a fortune. 


 We're planning on beginning fulfillment next week. So please, fill out the surveys ASAP! It would help us out a lot. Our goal is to finish by the end of the month. 

Issue #6

If you're hankering for more Skies of Fire after reading the issues not to worry! Issue #6 should be right around the corner. We're currently doing our last pass on colors but it's going to be quite an emotional issue. 

Things really hit the fan in the next issue, so it's one you won't want to miss! Right now, we're tentatively planning on launching Skies of Fire #6 in August! 

Metal Militia

Finally, I want to give some love to Hoang Nguyen's Metal Militia. Previously, Hoang created Carbon Grey, published by Image, and is in many ways a forefather to the dieselpunk genre. Metal Militia is a cyberpunk passion project close this heart - one of the first comics he ever created way back in 1995 but never finished. This campaign is to help wrap up the series. Hoang's art is amazingly conceptualized and rendered. He's only 4 days out from his project and needs just 6% left of his funding. Please, if you have a moment, check it out! 


Thank you folks! Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. 

Onwards and upwards!

- Ray and Vince